During a recent visit to my Mum in the Canaries, I had the opportunity to rediscover an old passion of mine…..running. My Mum and Step-Dad helped out with my two little ones giving me the chance to explore the island of Fuerteventura in my own little world, running wherever I fancied. Now I’m home, I can’t wait to see if my niggling knee pain can be kept at bay with a long term training plan.
Our highlight of the weekend was going to see the Great North Runners crossing the Tyne Bridge, high fiving and dropping a few hundred pennies into their collection buckets. I was hoping to see one of my class regulars and Mammy friend Karen, who had an amazing run and did it in 2.5hrs (amazing for someone who used to try her best to get out of PE at school!!). One of my favourite times of year in the North East is this weekend as I always try to watch the run. Every year I promise I’ll run in it next year, but am usually hindered by injuries and in recent years pregnancies. I now realise it is 10 years since I did the run, and this is now in writing…..I WILL RUN in 2016!!
This week was the start of my favourite fitness adventure yet…..getting some of my Mammy friends fit and healthy for 2016!!! Meeting up with what I now call the two sexy Sarah’s to weigh, measure and set some health and fitness goals was, lets say interesting…..My new super body composition scales seem to be a little generous with the body fat %, which you may think is not a bad thing; In the words of Sarah Hebs “the only way is down girls”.
Excitement hit me Wednesday morning when I got to train the two sexy Sarah’s who say they can’t run….pffft!!!! Took them out on a quick run followed by some boxercise and they smashed it….these girls are focused and I CAN NOT wait to see their results as time goes on. Even more excitement that day when Baby Simpson Buckle was born in the early hours. Amazing work of my good friend Jade in Huddersfield on that one…..talk about This Mam Can, Jade must be one of those high pain threshold types who, I quote “labour isn’t too bad, I’d rather do that than Tough Mudder again”…..give me the Mudder any day….I found both my labours the hardest things I’ve ever, ever, ever and will ever do!!!!
And so Buggies, Bums & Tums was back on Thursday with my jungle theme; this is my very own creation and the sole reason I took my Fitness Instructor and Pre and Post Natal Exercise qualifications. My goal: a class for mums and tots to enjoy singing, dancing and get a damn good work out at the same time!! Added bonus; I can also bring my kids along too, giving Caite and Patrick a chance to catch up with their toddler pals. Although my class numbers were a bit thin this week, I did book in with two more Mammies for some 2-to-1 training. Another pair of Mammies, Gill and Emma who are looking to not just improve their health, but improve their running…….maybe it’s the buzz in the air of the Great North Run, but I for one am happy to help ‘these mams run’!!!
Hope you enjoyed my first post….hope to see you next week for my ‘top tips training with tots’!!
Loving the blog Vikki. You’ve been a massive help to me and my health and fitness goals this past year and I know I could not have got to where I am now if it weren’t for coming to that 1st Insanity class nearly 1 year ago. Im so excited to see my results this time next year! X
Aww thanks so much Sarah, it’s been fabulous working with you, long may it continue and I can’t wait either!!! Xxx